This week 4th graders researched a variety of topics on Vermont’s Native Abenaki history and culture. Early on in the week there were some minor snafus, but our accepting and flexible students were able to adjust and keep learning throughout the week, producing some stellar, informative writing to be proud of! Your student will be able to share the writing that they and their whole class did after the break once we attach the writing to the Abenaki style books that students created in art class. Students certainly enjoyed finding out about the Abenaki and sharing what they learned to help all of the 4th graders learn more in our reading and discussion of the text that they wrote on Thursday. I’m sure they would love to tell you, too! (If they haven’t already!)
Researchers working together
In math students prepared for, completed and reflected on an assessment of their growth during Unit 2. The reflection style that we are participating in this year gives students the opportunity to set goals after a unit pre-assessment and then reflect on those goals and re-evaluate them after the post-assessment. We are seeing tremendous growth in math and attribute part of this to our reflection process. Ask your student what his or her goals are! We will begin Unit 3 on Monday after break with those in mind.
You can see on the walls of our classrooms that we’ve been working in Number Corner on elapsed time and liquid measurement. These tasks are designed to introduce students to concepts which will appear in later math units throughout the year. This month we saw a different time on an analog clock daily, and considered how much time passed since the day before and since November 1st. Our clever mathematicians stretched their brains to consider the 24 hour day when it came to predicting what the clock would show in the coming days. We also watched daily as our Number Corner helpers filled cups that filled up quarts, and took those quarts to fill a gallon. These conversions and comparisons between measures were meaningful for students to understand, especially to see the visual in front of them, and especially for those who enjoy Mrs. Datillio’s cooking workshops! :)
This week we enjoyed a puppet show presentation on students with differences. Our students learned seven steps to being a friend to someone who is different, including using their name to get their attention, speaking in small sentences, using friendly words, giving options, and asking questions to learn about the new friend. We expect that our students treat all friends with respect and care, and are thankful to the people who came to share this presentation with us.
We also had a Four Winds session this week on predator and prey. Students loved to practice with a tag game where some needed to be prey and get food and get back to their safe space, and some were predators hoping to tag the prey. We noticed that the fewer predators we had, the easier it was for the prey to get their food and get back to safety. Students also acted out some adaptations and strategies that animals have to keep them safe from predators. In all, this showed students the delicate balance of predator and prey and how each species keeps themselves safe, demonstrating the impact that nature has. 
Prey trying to escape the predators
Adaptations and strategies of prey
To close our week, in our “Mornings with Mosaic” team meeting this past Friday we asked a few students to share what they are thankful for as we go into the Thanksgiving break. Here are a some of their responses:
“I am thankful for everyone in this room and that we were put on Mosaic.”
“I am thankful for learning and literacy.”
“I am thankful for my family and for food.”
“I am thankful for my teachers.”
We absolutely are thankful for each student, parent and teacher that makes Mosaic such a wonderful place to be and to learn. Ms. Cota and I will be in our classrooms for one more week after the break, and will love to return to visit in the future. This has been an incredible learning experience, made all the better by interacting with such engaged and kind learners. Thank you for sharing your minds and your work with us these past few months! We are thankful for you.
Have a restful, rejuvenating break. See you on November 30th!
Ms.M & Ms. Cota