To complete our Vermont geography mini-unit the young geographers worked in teams to create an interactive Google map full of information about different Vermont Attractions. Using online resources and a new micro-progression for writing with strong word choice they created an informative map for anyone looking to visit the Green Mountain State.
Visit it here.
Putting notes and key details into our own writing |
Pinning our locations on our Google Maps |
We also ended our math unit this week and showed what we now understand about strategies for solving more complex multiplication problems and division problems that involve remainders. To do this challenging work students use visual models. Seeing, touching, and sketching ideas create pictures in the mind's eye, helping learners construct, understand, and apply mathematical ideas. Next week we will reflect on our goals and move into Unit 3, where we will explore fractions and decimals.
See here for more information on this unit's big ideas.
Using tile to model the solution to a division story problem. |
Homemade feeders for our feathered friends to enjoy this winter |
Our Four Winds Volunteers came in on Thursday and we all learned so much about the migratory behaviors of our feathered friends. This inspired one student to bring in his homemade birdhouse and bird feeder to hang up outside the classroom windows. Hopefully we will see some of the species we learned about this winter.
Please remember that as we head into the winter months your students will be going outside each day. They should have boots, snow pants, gloves, and hats daily. Please feel free to leave a pair in school.
We have a few fun events to look forward to this month. Stay tuned for more information about our R.A.D. Celebration and our Craft Morning in your child's Friday folder.
Think Snow,
Jess and Liz