This week in Mosaic we developed our understanding of weathering and erosion by doing various scientific investigations to discover how these two forces shape our Earth overtime. On Thursday we had a wonderful trip out to the Allen Brook to observe how erosion is happening right in our own community. This upcoming week students will use their new knowledge that they have gathered about weathering and erosion, in which they will perform a science inquiry task about how weathering and erosion changes sand dunes change overtime. In groups students will collect data and then analyze it using a graph, they will also convey their understanding by writing a strong prediction about what they think will happen throughout the task and reflection about their learning and what they observed throughout the investigation.
In literacy students are working on wrapping up their personal essays. The last steps of editing and organizing their essays are pushing them to go back through their work to create a polished final draft. We will be submitting students' personal essays to be published in the Scribe, the school's literary journal; it's produced each spring and has a collection of artwork and exemplary writing pieces from student authors.
In other news, on Thursday we watched the spectacular middle school production of Shrek! Students loved this play and many of them told me how much they look forward to participating in the play next year!
We ended the week by celebrating the arrival of Mrs. Parker's baby boy, William Stone. He was born at 2:16 on 4/8/16 , which is a pretty cool mathematical birthday! Congrats to Mrs. Parker and her family.
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