Hello Mosaic Families,
We have been busy during out first two weeks reviewing the routines and expectations of our classroom communities and modeling these for our third grade friends. Last week students also began working on their Hopes and Dreams project. The project is inspired by Daniel Pinkwater's book, The Big Orange Splot, where a street where every home looked the same decided to shake things up a bit. By the end of the story everyone's homes were designed to respresent their dreams. Our students then began to brainstorm and write about their own goals and dreams for this year and will be creating their own "home" as an artistic representation of their dreams. Stay tuned for pictures on our Instagram account (@wcsmosaicmoments) and on display in our classrooms.
Thanks to those of you who came to the dessert social. It was nice to catch up and make new connections. We will have our annual curriculum night this coming Thursday from 6:30-7:30. The information that we present will be very similar to last year. You are more than welcome to attend in person but if you would just like a review we would be happy to share our presentation with you via email.
We are still looking for a few more 4 Winds volunteers and a new FAP representative for the Mosaic team. Please let me know if you would be interested in either of these opportunities.
You should have seen a yellow Friday folder arrive home this week. In it you will find your child's weekly planner/reading log. Please help your student get into the routine of filling this planner out for the week and keeping a record of his/her reading. The folder and the planner should be signed and returned back to school next Friday.
Thank you for sharing your children with us!
Jess and Liz
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