Some friendly fraction competition |
Using tools to build decimal numbers |
As we close this unit in mathematics students are using what they know understand about fractions to explore their relationship with decimals. Showing our thinking in numbers, sketches and words helps us to represent and explain our understanding and justify why our strategies make sense. Games like Decimals More or Less and Fractions and Decimals help us to collaborate to make sense of this relationship in concrete (and fun!) ways.
Student writers give each other feedback to polish their writing pieces |
Writers used the peer editing process to polish their biography information pieces to prepare for our Vermont History Museum next Friday. We have learned lots of interesting and important facts about our famous Vermonters and we can't wait to share our thinking with you.
In our January Four Winds Nature studies activities this week we learned about how animals like bears, snakes, and frogs survive during the winter. These hands on activities were an engaging way to thinking about the natural world around us. Thanks so much to our parent volunteers!
Report cards are coming home today (1/26) and we would appreciate it if you could send the signed envelope back to school so we can reuse it in the spring. Thanks!
Jess and Liz
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