Monday, March 23, 2015

Solo Flight

Our St. Michael's student interns have been working hard this semester and the time is almost near for them to test their new knowledge as they lead the classroom for one week of solo teaching. They will both be "in charge" of the classrooms the week of April 6-10. Liz and Jess will be near by, but they are going to be taking over the day to day management and instruction. During this week please direct any email correspondence regarding schedules and pick-ups to their school email addresses. Sara in Mrs. Eaton's room can be reached at and Kristyn in Liz's room can be reached at

You have most likely all heard that Vermont (and much of the country)is in the process of transitioning to a new computerized assessment system for students in grades 3-12. This assessment is called the SBAC and we will begin to roll it out to our students to practice over the next week before administering the actual tests beginning on April 8th. There are still many questions around this test and we encourage you to ask your own. We understand that tests are a part of life and we want  students to persevere and do their best so that we can determine if this assessment is a valuable tool. With that being said, most importantly we want to engage and assess students in authentic, engaging learning activities that are developmentally appropriate and challenging. Rebecca Holcomb, Secretary of Education, writes candidly about this in her latest memorandum and I encourage you to take a look.

As we get closer to testing dates we will be asking for parents to help provide us with snacking options to keep our brains sharp and focused and our bellies full during the testing days. Stay tuned for more information on how you can support us with that in the weeks to come. If you could also please let us know if you have any travel plans the week before or after the April break please let us know as soon as possible as that will help us with scheduling and planning.

Think Spring! 

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